Account Registration
When selecting the link to register your account, you will be taken to the account registration page.
Entering Customer Details
You will be prompted to enter your name, mobile number, email address, and address details.
It is important that a valid mobile number and email address is entered, as these are required to access the account later.
Assigning Wristbands
You will then be prompted to scan your wristbands.
Selecting [SCAN WRISTBAND] will ask you to allow Centegra Plus access to the camera on your device.
Once allowed, you can then scan the QR code on the wristband.
Once scanned, the unique ID of the wristband is displayed to confirm that the wristband has been scanned.
Repeat to add additional wristbands as required.
At least one wristband must be assigned to the account before the account registration can be completed.
You must also accept the Terms & Conditions and privacy policy before registering the account.
To accept the terms, you must select the link to view the terms and then select [AGREE]. Repeat for the privacy policy.
Once accepted, the [REGISTER] button is available to select to register the account.
If there are any errors in the registration form, you will be advised.
For example, if you have missed a field, you will be prompted to fill this in.
Or if a wristband is currently assigned elsewhere, you will be prompted to exchange the wristband.
Assigning A Payment Method
Once the account has been registered, you will be directed to Stripe to input your payment information.
You must follow the onscreen prompts to enter the required details, then select [SAVE CARD].
Once the card has been validated, the user will be redirected to the Account Management page.
Account Management
Customer Account Access
When selecting the link to manager your account, you will be taken to the account login page where you must enter the email address and mobile number associated with your account.
Once entered, select [SEND ACCESS CODE TO EMAIL] and you will then be taken to a verification page. An email will also be sent from [email protected] to the email address associated with the account which contains your access code.
Enter the access verification code and select [ACCESS ACCOUNT] to be taken into the account management page.